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Achieve Wealth Through Value Add Real Estate Investing Podcast

Dec 31, 2019

James:  Hi audience and listeners, this is James Kandasamy from Achieve Wealth True Value and Real Estate Investing Podcast. I'm excited to let you guys know that last week we had Mark Kenny from King Multifamily and we discussed a lot of interesting stuff about some of the different markets that he's been buying....

Dec 24, 2019

James: Hey, audience and listeners, this is James Kandasamy from Achieve Wealth True Value-add Real Estate Investing. I'm here today with Mark Kenny, who's the founder and I'm not sure, the president or what's the title?


Mark: Yeah, well my wife and I together so we might have different opinions...

Dec 17, 2019

Hi, audience and listeners, this is James Kandasamy from Achieve Wealth, True Value at Real Estate Investing podcast. Today I have KK Singh, KK Singh is a big figure in our social media circles, especially in the multifamily and multi-families syndication. KK used to be a Microsoft Certified System Engineer. I...

Dec 10, 2019

James: Let's get started. One, two, three...
Hi, audience, this is James Kandasamy from Achieve Investment Group. Today we are going to be having JC Castello from our Achieve Wealth True Value-add Real Estate Investing Podcast. And I would like to welcome JC to the podcast. Hey JC, welcome.

JC: Hey, thanks, James....

Dec 3, 2019

James:  Hey audience, this is James Kandasamy from Achieve Wealth Podcast. Today, we have Coach, Trevor McGregor from Vancouver, British Columbia. But you know, he's been seen all over in the US, in a lot of conferences giving keynote speeches. So Trevor is a real estate coach, a consultant, a keynote speaker and many...